Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Final Days 7-9: My Final Piece III

My final piece in all its glory. I put the fishing wire through the holes I’d made in the pieces of plastic and tied knots so they wouldn’t fall out. These wires were then attached to the two pieces of metal sticks I got so that it could spin around like a mobile would in the wind. I turned the corners of these pieces of metal so that the string wouldn’t loosen or just slide of the metal. To do this I got a pair of pliers and bent the metal’s corners either in a circle or just at an angle. Once I did this I made the final piece, the hook, so it could hang from anywhere. I did the same thing with the small pieces of metal and bent the hook with pliers to make it curve. The wire in the middle that is attached to the smallest piece at the centre of the symbol was then gone around the middle piece of wire in a loop, and then tied in a knot to the second piece of metal before tying it to the hook. The middle two wires were attached to the small piece of metal, inside the two loops I’d made with the pliers. Finally the last two wires on the biggest piece of the symbol were attached to the bent corners of the biggest piece of metal. I think this went really well as the pieces spin around each other nicely just like any other mobile and my next step will be to take some more photographs of it else where.

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